Empathetic Ink
Next meeting: Saturday, February 22 at 4:00pm - EST
142 members
About Empathetic Ink
Empathetic Ink is an in-person and digital book club in New York City, for therapist readers and their love of books. Each month a new book is selected, and we read it together, whether you’re tuning into our digital discussions online, virtual meetups, or in-person meetings, we aim to create an engaging, relaxing, and accessible community of therapist readers to connect over books and more!
To be eligible for acceptance into the club you must either be:
- Currently Licensed Professional
- Limited Permit Professional
- Current Student in psychology and therapy relevant field or in training/internship/practicum
- This group is best suited for ages 21+
- You do not have to be based in NY to join if you would like to follow along with the monthly reads,participate virtually, or not participate in meetings
Please Note: You will not be accepted for interest in psychology, or if you are employed in a non-relevant field. This group consists of working professionals and students in practicum pursuing mental health-related fields. This group is not a replacement for therapy.
Our monthly selections fall into at least two of the following:
- Psychology, Therapy Techniques, and Theory
- Books written by BIPOC authors
- Books written by Women authors
- Books written by LGBTQIA+ authors
- Newly released titles