Join us! Each month, we'll read a new release or backlist book together, have a mid-month cozy reading night, and meet for book club. Live chats and polls throughout the month. Sometimes, the author will join!


179 members
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Any book recommendations are welcome!


5 members
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We are an online book club themed around classic literature, with Discord as our main platform. We have a monthly read category and a longer read category for bigger books.


25 members
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an evening book club for people who love good literature & discussion!

New York, NY 10025, USA

44 members
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I love fantasy and fiction. I’m looking for a small group to share and receive recommendations, of which we can then discuss in depth

London, UK

Reading Next...
Hey yall! This book club is a space for women to come together and discuss their love of African American Fiction.

Greensboro, NC, USA

18 members
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fwarg (Sophie) is starting to read for her preliminary exams. 100 or so books in the next 10 months. Come along for the ride!


2 members
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A book club where we read and chat and keke about the deeper messages in the books we read.

Plantation, FL, USA

147 members
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For fans of Sally Rooney who listen to Phoebe Bridgers: Bonjour, tristesses! 💔

Austin, TX, USA

4 members
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The Southern Siren and Bear's Books team up for this reading initiative. From classics to modern marvels, join us for regular virtual discussions.


4 members
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