Margins Library
Next meeting: Monday, January 27 at 7:00pm - PST
90 members
About Margins Library
JANUARY 2025 BOOK PICK: Yellowface (by R.F. Kuang)
Welcome to Margins Library! We hope you'll join us for chill but meaningful conversations that encourage personal growth and social change :)
About Us: The margins of a page are spaces to digest, reflect, critique, and transform. Margins Library is a community page margin— offering a safe space for readers to learn more about themselves and the perspectives of others. Through reading and community, we are dedicated to promoting health and well-being for ourselves and others. Understanding that health and well-being are intimately tied to many determinants, we aim to immerse ourselves in books and conversations that span a wide range of topics— including social justice, personal growth, race, gender, health equity, and environmental justice. Page by page, we invite you to stay critically engaged, foster empathy, and learn and grow in community.
Meeting Schedule: Our club hosts virtual meetings every other month. Additionally, we organize separate socials for opportunities to engage with members in-person!
Social Media:
instagram: @marginslibrary