Classic African American (Black) Literature


Next meeting: Friday, August 30 at 7:00pm - EDT

443 members

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About Classic African American (Black) Literature

I love to learn about African and African American history. Surely I'm not alone!

If you love to read it, if you never got the chance to, if it's new to you, if it's your favorite pastime, or if you just want to broaden your understanding... JOIN ME!


Book recommendations are encouraged! We vote on which books to read based on book recommendations. We read 2 books at a time. Our meetings are for one hour and sometimes one hour and thirty minutes when the discussion is good! Meeting participants decide which book to discuss during the meeting (only those who join the meeting get to vote on which book we discuss). 

Our focus is on books that tell the story of the African people, the African diaspora, and the Indigenous experience. Nothing is off limits. 

The more we learn, the better we understand how to care for one another.

As we grow, and with increased participation, we may expand to having 2 meetings so everyone has an opportunity to share about every book!

Welcome and happy reading!

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