The Thriller Crush 📚 🔪❤️ Book Club

Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY, USA

Next meeting: Saturday, March 15 at 4:00pm - EST

264 members

Currently reading

About The Thriller Crush 📚 🔪❤️ Book Club

Frightening meetings will take place in Bay Ridge - Brooklyn, New York every 4-5 weeks. Our in-person meetings are usually on Saturdays from 4pm - 6pm.

At times we meet in a café to sip on coffee, other times in an undisclosed murder room for a fine drink that may be undeserving to members that are dead but it still stands that ALL ARE WELCOME.

Welcome to our haunted Book Club where we can become a community to explore worlds in books & within ourselves. I look forward to meeting you & evolving as friends for many years to come.