Phillis Wheatley Book Club


6 members

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About Phillis Wheatley Book Club

Our book club proudly boasts the name of Phillis Wheatley, the first African-American to have a published work of poetry in the United States. Phillis Wheatley Clubs have existed since 1895. Serving as platforms for social reform and community support, these clubs were instrumental to their communities. 

Following in that legacy, we hope our book club will be diligent in mining through the work of our peers and ancestors in order to find the priceless gems of our culture. And in turn use our new perspectives to evolve ourselves and enlighten others. 

We are the book club for you if you:
1) enjoy reading or have reading goals
2) have a taste for minority literature or wish to develop a more diverse palette 
3) desire a safe space for fun and candid discussions 
4) want a low pressure social experience 

We read a large amount of black literature as well as women authors and other minorities. 

“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free." - Frederick Douglas