Mysteries In The Burbs - Chicago Suburbs Style

St. Charles, IL, USA

Next meeting: Sunday, February 23 at 1:30pm - CST

51 members

Currently reading

About Mysteries In The Burbs - Chicago Suburbs Style

Calling all female 20/30 somethings in the suburbs of Chicago who love mystery/thriller novels! The goal is to form a laidback community of females who want to talk murder at local cafes. Meetings will be once a month for an hour (or longer if it's a good discussion) typically on a weekend day. Come when you can, invite friends, and let's get down to business☕️

Book recommendations are always welcome - there will be a poll to choose the next month's book. Whichever book gets more votes will be our book for the month! We'll travel to different cafes in the suburbs, focusing on the St Charles and Naperville areas, so if there's one you want to check out or love going to - let me know!

I do ask that you get something at the cafe, we'll be taking over some of their tables and want to thank them for it! Check us out on Instagram as well for updates