Join a book club that is reading The Pumpkin Spice Café: The Dream Harbour, Book 1!

Book Besties

Hi Book Besties(: Some of the book genres we like are Fantasy, Ya Romance, Fiction Romance,, and thrillers! Cant wait to discuss our love for books!

Haley’s Bookshelf Bookclub

Join me as I work my way through the collection of books that have been sitting on my shelf over the years … so I can justify buying new ones.

The Pumpkin Spice Café: The Dream Harbour, Book 1


Average rating: 6.19




Community Reviews

Sep 26, 2024
7/10 stars
It's a fine romance. The conclusion felt a little rushed but that's the Halmark formula
Sep 24, 2024
7/10 stars
Reignited my love for reading after years of not picking up a book
Sep 24, 2024
1/10 star
Was looking a cute feel good romance but this one just did not hit the mark. The characters aren’t interesting and honestly are a little annoying. They instantly are in love and the author tries to go for this slow burn but it doesn’t work because the characters are so dull and both had insta love. Romance isn’t my genre but I do like to read them every now and then between heavier books, but I try to find novels that at least have lovable characters or an interesting plot. The boring characters were made worse by the non existent plot where the only conflict is the two characters getting cock-blocked every five minutes. This was a huge miss for me…
Sep 22, 2024
9/10 stars
What a wholesome little novel. Loved it. Quick and easy read . 9/10
Sep 05, 2024
3/10 stars
This book was fluffy and cute. Very Demure, very mindful and all that jazz. It was a Platte cleanser for me. Sweet and predictable with a little dash of spice. In the words of a granny "It's a Bless Your Heart!!!" kind of book. Did give me the fall feels, so just was my spirit needed. Very Hometown, one stoplight precious!!!!

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