Romeo and Juliet (No Fear Shakespeare) (Volume 2)

William Shakespeare's passionate tale of two young lovers whose relationship is doomed from the start due to their families-the Capulets and the Montagues-being mortal enemies.


304 pages

Average rating: 6.97



Community Reviews

Binod Dawadi
Sep 19, 2023
This is a very much beautiful love story book. Everyone should read this book to find out what is spiritual and true love.
Aug 22, 2023
3/10 stars
Will forever be the iconic love story for the ages.
William Orwell
Aug 23, 2022
A Classic of theatre and most famous book of Shakespeare. This romance is about the love of Romeo and Juliet and how this love change the vission of their father about their families
Jan 11, 2022
As the origin of the ‘star crossed lovers’ trope the play really delivers in making us feel for these two young people as they fight society

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