Community Reviews
This book is simply amazing. Well written. Thought provoking. Easygoing yet profound. A MUST READ. thank you Matt Haig.
a bit slow at parts, did loose interest before i reached the middle but picked it back up and finished it in one sitting. changed my perspective on life, this book means a lot to me
If I’m being completely honest, It took me a long time to get into this book. I found the book to be very slow and I believe it wasn’t till about halfway through that I was intrigued. I found some of the language used was above me, and the style of writing seemed weird (I guess to styles I’m used to). By the last 1/3 of the book I got into it. I thought the message was nice and thought provoking. To see “success” broken down in that way made you grateful for your own life and really put things into perspective. I rather enjoyed the ending and it really tied loose ends up.
Excellent premise and ideas, writing was good in parts, average-to-basic in others. But concept was superb, and was all heart.
This book had a profound impact on my perception of life. The characters and dialogue are well done. This book challenges the meaning of life and I just think it’s beautiful and well done
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