Wealth Care Book Club
12 members
About Wealth Care Book Club
Our club is interactive in nature and we meet once a week via zoom, every Wednesday 9:00 - 10:00PM.Eastern Time.
zoom id: 3864405336 passcode: 12345
We start our meetings with a prayer and end it with a prayer.
During meetings we encourage everyone to be on camera and with real names. Be cordial and respectful of each other during discussions. Our goal is to help as many families as possible to be financially informed to make right choices in financial matters as they arise in their lives. When possible we invite authors of the books we are reading to talk to us.
Our choice of books will help us understand more about how money works in America and how money can work for you. We will be enlightened on things like differences between life insurances, tax advantaged accounts, accounts that by pass probate, retirement accounts, college accounts, etc.