The Morbidly Curious Book Club


Next meeting: Sunday, September 29 at 7:00pm - EDT

14260 members

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About The Morbidly Curious Book Club

Welcome to The Morbidly Curious Book Club.

An 18+ non-fiction macabre focused book club diving into the darker parts of your library, whether it be true crime cases, morally ambiguous medical practice, spirits, and ghosts, or death itself.

We discuss 1 book around the end of each month. You will see the book we are reading in the 'Currently Reading' tab, and the meeting time on the 'Meeting' tab.

All discussions are done over Zoom. If you can't attend a meeting or would like to skip one out, you can check out the discussion on my YouTube page at a later date, I upload all discussions over there. I also go live for every meeting on the Instagram. (Links below.)

We also have a podcast! Every month I sit down with the author and deep dive into their books... you can find it here:

Or anywhere you listen to podcasts!

You do not have to commit to anything. Come and join as you may and discuss at your own will. You're always welcome, though.

I ask beforehand that you check trigger warnings on all books we discuss. It is safe to assume they will be touching on almost all the trigger warnings. Some may be easy to miss. Proceed with caution.

You can reach me personally at the email address below if you have any questions or concerns.

Follow our Instagram page for updates and images surrounding the books we discuss.

Stay curious, my friends.

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