The Ethics of Elfland Book Club


Next meeting: Saturday, January 18 at 2:00pm - EST

70 members

Currently reading

About The Ethics of Elfland Book Club

Be sure to read the pinned club message - it has details about our current read!

We meet on Zoom every 3-4 Saturdays: 

- Meeting ID: 844 4869 0317

- Passcode: fairy

Current reading schedule: 

- Laurus, Eugene Vodolazkin

- (possibly) The Faerie Queene, Edmund Spenser

- (possibly) Don Quixote, Cervantes

We keep unlisted recordings of all meetings. Here's the playlist:

To support the book club, click here!

Feel free to ask questions in club messages, DM me, or email me using the email below. 

I wish you joy in your pursuit of wisdom and wonder, 


Chief Bookworm :)