Read Between the Wines
3801 Crystal Lake Drive, Deerfield Beach, FL 33064, USA
207 members
About Read Between the Wines
Thank you for your interest in the book club Read Between the Wines. The purpose of this club is to respectfully share ideas and opinions and to learn and expand on our understanding of other people through the characters in the books and articles we read. Our reading material will be a mixture of fiction, magazines, and anything else the group may vote on as an interesting read. (Think outside the box).
The meetings will be held every 3rd Monday of the month at 7:30pm.
The reading material will be decided by the group using the polls on this site.
The first hour we will discuss the reading material guided by specific questions. After that we can socialize and enjoy the rest of our wine. You can still come even if you didn’t read the material, as you may still be able to add valuable insight.
Of course we will always have wine at the meetings and please feel free to bring a snack if you wish.
And bring a friend!
See you at the meeting!