Men’s Book Club
Next meeting: Wednesday, April 09 2025 at 8:00pm EDT (UTC-4)
29 members
About Men’s Book Club
Book club originally founded on Facebooks ‘Men’s Book Club’.
A relaxed monthly read where members discuss a book or books that are chosen by the group. No genre is off the table but we tend to gravitate towards fiction books. We also prefer to stay away from politics as this is meant to be an escape from our daily lives.
Meetings are usually held weekly at 8pm on Wednesdays, using Facebook Messenger video chats. They last for about 45 minutes and typically follow the format:
Introduce new members then Discuss book (inevitably ending up in a few too many side tangents and discussions).
Finally, participation is what you want to make it but we are focused on members that are active. We require joining a call at least once a month. We track active members and will remove any member that is inactive for 3 months. There may be books that you are not interested in and that is fine. Feel free to either skip the month or join in on a meeting to listen and talk with the group. Thanks for being a member!