Next Chapter 📖


5 members

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About Next Chapter 📖

A laid back bookclub for all types of readers to explore new stories, share insights, and discover fresh perspectives. Whether it’s fiction, nonfiction or in between.

Next Chapter Book Club Guidelines

  1. Book Selection: Each month, a different member will have the opportunity to choose the book of the month. We rotate selections to ensure everyoneÂ’s tastes are included!
  2. Book Choice: The chosen book should be accessible to all members (e.g.., available at libraries or affordable options). The goal is to foster inclusivity and diverse reading choices.
  3. Monthly Meetings: We meet once a month to discuss the book. Meetings will be held on [TBD to for members schedules], and be held virtually.
  4. Discussion Format: During meetings, every member will have a chance to share their thoughts. We encourage respectful, open conversation, ensuring all voices are heard.
  5. Respectful Participation: Everyone is encouraged to read the book, but if life gets in the way, that’s okay! Come as you are, no pressure to have read every page.
  6. Suggestions & Feedback: If you have book suggestions, feel free to share them! We’ll keep a list for future picks.
  7. Fun & Flexibility: This book club is about having fun and connecting through literature. Let’s keep the vibe friendly, relaxed, and inclusive!

Reader communityOnlineFemale readersBIPOC readers