Bookin' Boomers Book Club

Reno, Nevada, USA

1 member

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About Bookin' Boomers Book Club

We meet on the third Wednesday of every month usually for a potluck dinner in a member's home and discuss a book or do an activity. Once a year members nominate books that are then voted on and the top six books become our reading for the year. We alternate with an activity month, and we do various things. We've done crafts, picnicked, discussed a historical figure, wine tastings, game night, watched a movie (sometimes based on a book we've read), or whatever the hostess for that month decides to do. We have dues of $36 per year (or $3/month) and use the monies to give cards, flowers, or donations to a member dealing with a difficult time or a death. If we have enough in the treasury, we treat ourselves to a club-paid-for outing. (I.e. we've gone to plays, done a ghost walk, visited art exhibits, etc.). Once a year we have a Christmas party with spouses or significant others invited. One rule we do have is we do not discuss politics.
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