Book Babes

Temple, TX 76504, USA

11 members

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About Book Babes

Book Babes was established in September of 2022. We meet once every 4-5 weeks, typically on a Monday or Saturday in the evening, either at a local establishment or a members home. Saturdays tend to be reserved for our more themed events. One of the primary goals of our group, in addition to forming friendships with fellow book loving ladies, is to expose our members to genres that they may not have read otherwise. So if you are a one genre kind of person, or only read a certain type of trope, then this may not be the group for you. Especially romance, we only do those maybe once per year. We also have a facebook group, for those on Facebook, of the same name. CLUB MEMBER EXPECTATIONS: We kindly ask that you attend at a minimum 2 events per year, but encourage you to come to all of them. Finishing the book is not required to attend, but highly encouraged. We are mostly active on Facebook,so if you are on facebook, we would love for you to join. But its not a requirement.
Local (in-person)Reader communityFemale readers