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Discussion Guide

The Let Them Theory

These book club questions were prepared by Bookclubs staff.

Book club questions for The Let Them Theory by Mel Robbins

Use these discussion questions to guide your next book club meeting.

In short, Robbins summarize the "Let Them" theory as: "when you "Let Them" do whatever it is that they want to do, it creates more control and emotional peace for you and a better relationship with the people in your life." After reading this book, do you agree or disagree with this central thesis statement?

Do you listen to Mel Robbins' podcast? How familiar were you with the "Let Them" theory before reading this book?

Were the ideas in the book new to you, or did they feel like common knowledge? Or a third option: did the ideas feel simple yet still provoke a mindset shift?

Did you have any lightbulb, "aha" moments reading this book? If so, what were they? What was your biggest takeaway from the book?

Robbins uses many examples from her own life in the book. Did you find the examples relatable? How did they work to better illuminate the "Let Them" theory?

Have there been any instances in your life that you can share when letting go of expectations and control led to a positive outcome for you?

What area of your life do you think the "Let Them" theory can be most helpful (job / career, romantic partner, friends, children, family)?

Before reading this book, did you have any particular situations or relationships in mind that you wanted to change?

What new actions or mindset shifts will you take (or have you already taken) as a result of reading this book? How are you practicing the theory?

What are the biggest obstacles you face when trying to implement the "Let Them" theory in your own life?

There are exceptions to every rule. What do you think the exceptions to the "Let Them" theory are? When might it not be appropriate to apply?

The Let Them Theory Book Club Questions PDF

Click here for a printable PDF of the The Let Them Theory discussion questions