
It all came down to me.The one who followed the rules, never went looking for trouble - I kept to myself. I just wanted to take care of my family. To not constantly look over my shoulder, worried about the things that went bump in the night.I just wanted to survive.But that wasn't meant to be.As luck - or fate, or something - would have it, the trouble found me.I followed a rabbit through the wreckage of a half-ruined world to get back what was mine, and wound up at the end of it.In Wonderland.But there's nothing magical about it.(While Wonder does feature a central love story, it is not a contemporary romance novel)
Community Reviews
This novel is easily in my top 10. It was an amazing opportunity to take a walk in the shoes of an incredible cast of characters. I laughed, I cried, I cheered, and I was left in wonder. This novel will stand the test of time!
[a:Keith Yagerman|25350068|Keith Yagerman|https:images.gr-assets.com/authors/1675497216p2/25350068.jpg]- author of [bc:Braxton Rogers and the Brave New Beyond|102188662|Braxton Rogers and the Brave New Beyond|Keith Yagerman|https:i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1675662770l/102188662._SY75_.jpg|114268809]
[b:Braxton Rogers and the Brave New Beyond|102188662|Braxton Rogers and the Brave New Beyond|Keith Yagerman|https:i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1675662770l/102188662._SY75_.jpg|114268809]
[a:Keith Yagerman|25350068|Keith Yagerman|https:images.gr-assets.com/authors/1675497216p2/25350068.jpg]- author of [bc:Braxton Rogers and the Brave New Beyond|102188662|Braxton Rogers and the Brave New Beyond|Keith Yagerman|https:i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1675662770l/102188662._SY75_.jpg|114268809]
[b:Braxton Rogers and the Brave New Beyond|102188662|Braxton Rogers and the Brave New Beyond|Keith Yagerman|https:i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1675662770l/102188662._SY75_.jpg|114268809]
This was a good middle grades read, though I wasn't as in love as many of the other reviewers. In particular, I think the sister's boyfriend's perspective should have been cut from the book. He wasn't central to the narrative and his perspective didn't interest me. There also wasn't time to fully develop him. The time would have been better spent more fully developing the sister's former best friend.
This book is so perfect.
I imagine it's difficult to be an adult (author) and accurately portray a younger character's thoughts/words/actions. Palacio is spot on with Auggie. He is spot on with the other children. He is spot on with an older sibling. He is also spot on as a parent. And it was as a parent that I read this book, which may have contributed to me crying no less than half a dozen times.
"Why do I have to be so ugly, Mommy?" I whispered.
"No, baby, you're not..."
"I know I am."
She kissed me all over my face. She kissed my eyes that came down too far. She kissed my cheeks that looked punched in. She kissed my tortoise mouth. She said soft words that I know were meant to help me, but words can't change my face.
A beautiful, well-written, perceptive book. The words "recommended age group" do not apply to this book. It needs to be read by every single person out there.
This book is so perfect.
I imagine it's difficult to be an adult (author) and accurately portray a younger character's thoughts/words/actions. Palacio is spot on with Auggie. He is spot on with the other children. He is spot on with an older sibling. He is also spot on as a parent. And it was as a parent that I read this book, which may have contributed to me crying no less than half a dozen times.
"Why do I have to be so ugly, Mommy?" I whispered.
"No, baby, you're not..."
"I know I am."
She kissed me all over my face. She kissed my eyes that came down too far. She kissed my cheeks that looked punched in. She kissed my tortoise mouth. She said soft words that I know were meant to help me, but words can't change my face.

A beautiful, well-written, perceptive book. The words "recommended age group" do not apply to this book. It needs to be read by every single person out there.
Our year 6 book club gives this a 8. They enjoyed the Auggie's story but can be a bit boring. There are many perpectives that the book is written in and can be interesting for some.
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