Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow


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Community Reviews

Jun 12, 2024
4/10 stars
I’m not sure about this one. There were some parts that were so SLOW. I’d get bored and then something interesting would happen and I’d get focused again. I’m not a gamer so all the gamer information was pretty interesting. I don’t know if this is true to life for people who create games, but it seemed like it could be; these parts seemed pretty realistic.

I’m giving this two stars because I’ll never circle back to this one. It was ok, I guess. Just didn’t blow me away because of the many slow parts. The two main characters were interesting though.

This could have been a lot shorter and I really wish it had been. For me, it was a struggle to get through.
May 25, 2024
10/10 stars
This book is a beautiful and tragic story about the life of gamers. It goes illustrates the struggles people go through every day and choose to hide from their counterparts for fear of judgment or being a burden.
May 19, 2024
8/10 stars
I enjoyed this book in theory. There were quite a few errors that should have been caught before publication. 3.25 discs were used - it was a 3.5 disc or a 5.25 disc. A person with a left foot injury couldn't feel the pedal under his foot - why was he driving with his left foot, anyhow? These little things nagged me during the whole reading.

The story was good. It kept me intrigued the whole time.

I do recommend the book if the reader can ignore the blatant errors that the proofreader and editor missed. Maybe it was only in the audio version? Maybe everyone was very young and had zero experience with computers in the 1980s?
May 17, 2024
6/10 stars
I’ve realized I need my books to have a HEA feel at the end. Life is too tough to have my books end with such a real feeling. Also, I felt like this book was about 50-75 pages too long. The overall story was great, but I found myself bored at points.

I was overall disappointed with this book. The first 1/3 of it was simply enchanting and roped me right in. When Sadie and Sam were kids and then teens at university, along with Marx, the story was great. As they worked to develop Ichigo I was completely invested. I kind of wish the story had stopped there.

The author seemed determined to make Sadie unreasonably and increasingly selfish, shrewish and unlikeable as the story continued into the 2000s. Sadie never redeemed herself and brought down the buoyant mood of the story's beginnings. I could not believe how terribly she treated Sam after what happens with Marx. She was thirty-one years old at the time, she and Sam had over a decade of friendship and she just completed cut him out. I’m not saying she needed to come back and work again but she refused to communicate with Sam or hand off the project to someone else. She is a full adult at 31. I was so angry with her.

I get at the end they have tentatively made up but I think I needed a epilogue to see how things ended up. I just did not trust Sadie to not shut Sam out again.

On a side note, I did have problems following the timeline sometimes because it bounced around. Specifically in the second half of the book. I wasn’t always sure where to place events or how much time had passed.
Apr 27, 2024
10/10 stars
Oh my God!, SOOOO GOOD

Felt all the different emotions from Sad to happy to cutesy to angry. At times I couldnt stop reading. But, I could never tell where the story was going next. A must read for Summer, coffee and this book is a powerful combination.

The only downfall i would say about this book would be that some of the pacing is a little off. Some parts near the ending dragged as well as some parts in the beginning. But, if you stick through the dragg-y bits it will get into a good flow.


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