The Little House

The Little House books tell the story of Laura Ingalls Wilder, who, with her family, was among the early pioneers of the American west. Born in 1867 in a little log cabin on the edge of the Big Woods in Wisconsin, Laura traveled with her family by covered wagon through Kansas, Minnesota, and finally the Dakota Territory, where she met and married Almanzo Wilder. There was deprivation and hard work. Crops were ruined by storms and grasshopper plagues. But there were also happy times of love and laughter, sleigh rides, holiday celebrations, and socials. These nine books, beloved by children for generations, capture the very best of the American pioneer spirit.
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2784 pages

Average rating: 7.92




Community Reviews

Oct 16, 2023
8/10 stars
These whimsical books filled with fun tales about Pa, Ma, Mary, Laura and Carrier were a BIG part of my childhood. I think my Mom read the first book out loud to my sister and I when we were quite young, and then when I could read for myself, I read them all. I borrowed these books from a young woman in our church. We shared the same birthday, and so I was like her little sister. She went off to college and died suddenly of an acute illness. When I later tried to return the books to her family, her Mom told me to keep the books, and I have certainly treasured them over the years. [Thank you, Sarah Shell!]

I loved the stories so much that they encouraged me to write my own "version" about my life in a small town in Michigan. I still have copies of those early renderings. Pretty sill stuff! But stories that encourage children to compose their own stories are definitely worthy of the term "classics"!
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Jun 08, 2022
9/10 stars
Read these as a kid. 💗💗
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