The Apothecary's Poison (Glass and Steele)

When a newspaper report of a medical miracle catches Matt's eye, he and India go in search of Dr. Hale in the hope he is more magical doctor than miracle worker and can lead them to Chronos. But Hale turns out to be an apothecary magician keen to educate the public about magic.

Their disappointment at not finding Chronos is soon forgotten when Hale is murdered, and Matt becomes a suspect. With Matt's nemesis Sheriff Payne influencing the investigating detective, India and Matt know they must find the real killer, or risk his freedom, and ultimately his life. Time is running out as they hunt for a killer capable of turning medicine into poison with a magic spell, as well as continue the search for Chronos. A search that must end in success before Matt's malfunctioning watch stops altogether.

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320 pages

Average rating: 8.25




Community Reviews

Oct 16, 2023
8/10 stars
Book #3 in the series continued the magical mystery theme and ended with an incredible reveal, and so I am already eager to start book #4.

Matt and India's relationship continues to evolve. There is definitely "something" there, but neither of them seem willing to discuss it. I liked the additional host of characters introduced, and how Matt's Aunt Glass continues to try and arrange his marital bliss for him.

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