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Dark Places


349 pages

Average rating: 7.29




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Community Reviews

Apr 14, 2022
8/10 stars
I found all of the characters in this book intensely believable. There weren’t really any good or bad characters, just a sliding scale of well-intended-but-incompetent to serious-assholeness. I think what I liked best about this book was the complete and total avoidability of each and every terrible thing - why both Ben and his mother chose that particular day to “do something” after a lifetime of emotional paralysis is so poetically sad… Everyone’s lives were better off when they just resigned themselves to their fate of the day. Great read. The way Flynn just bares-it-all when it comes to the mortifying and inescapable flaws of her characters is second to none. The mystery itself wasn’t nearly as interesting to me as the snapshots of these peoples’ inner monologues. Seriously twisted stuff - two thumbs way up!
Jan 20, 2025
9/10 stars
Great book. I wish there could have been more to the ending.
Nov 25, 2024
8/10 stars
Very dark and twisty and hard to stop reading. Even when I thought I know whodunit, there was more! Gillian Flynn is amazingly good at painting a picture with words. She creates these dismal scenarios but she is so good at it that you just have to appreciate it. And she injects humor in such a dark story - you just have to appreciate her talent at it. It was violent and a bit uncomfortable at times but OMG what a great read! Gillian Flynn is a masterful storyteller. I probably liked "Gone Girl" better tho - just because it kept me so on edge!
Oct 28, 2024
6/10 stars
I'm not 100% sure how I feel about this book tbh, it got me at the start but about halfway through I felt like I just wanted to get to the end and see what happened.

I didn't love the ending and some parts of it felt really random, and they never touched on the darkness inside of Libby and Ben- just used it as some sort of red herring. None of the characters really appealed to me and I didn't find myself caring for any of them.

It was an easy read however and it kept my attention to the end, even if I had to drag through the second half.
Oct 05, 2024
9/10 stars
Probably Gillian Flynn's best book. Gone Girl was great, but this was for sure my Favorite. Sharp Objects was the first of her work that I read and the absolute worst, I'm glad I read this one last.

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