Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience

In Atlas of the Heart, Brown takes us on a journey through eighty-seven of the emotions and experiences that define what it means to be human. As she maps the necessary skills and an actionable framework for meaningful connection, she gives us the language and tools to access a universe of new choices and second chances—a universe where we can share and steward the stories of our bravest and most heartbreaking moments with one another in a way that builds connection.


336 pages

Average rating: 8.46




Community Reviews

Feb 05, 2025
5/10 stars
2.5 Stars

I have loved Brené Brown’s previous work, but this read like quite literally reading the dictionary. I think where Brené shines most is her ability to put research surrounding complicated emotions and concepts into everyday language so that the reader can digest and use the information to impact their own life. While there were bits and pieces of that classic style in this book, the majority felt like a textbook rehashing of concepts covered in previous works. This would not be a book I would recommend to anyone interested in reading Brené Brown’s typically insightful work. However, on a positive note the hard copy book is beautiful.
Jan 05, 2025
2/10 stars
I think I got this at Costco. I'd heard a lot about Brene Brown, but hadn't read any of her books at all. This was the wrong one to start with, because it's essentially a listing of emotional terms, and you already know all this. Yes, I already know what boredom, awe, despair, insecurity, etc. are. This is mostly simplistic and rarely gives insight. There were probably two exceptions. First, she identifies Foreboding Joy as a separate emotion, and I totally get it - I used to experience that all the time with an ex-husband. It's that horrible feeling when life is great, and you're happy, but you know that anytime things are "too good," the person you're married to is going to do something to emotionally sucker punch you. The other one I liked was her defining "narcissism as the shame-based fear of being ordinary" in her discussion of Hubris. (That one went along with that same ex.)

Maybe this would have been more interesting to me if I'd already read some of her other books.
Feb 08, 2024
Teaches you the emotions and helps you to connect with your own self
Dec 28, 2023
6/10 stars
Listened to Brene Brown narrate this one on the audio version, which was fun. Maybe it's because I've already read several of her other books, but this one didn't grab me the same way. While 'Daring Greatly' and 'The Gifts of Imperfection' were more focused on specific emotional skills, this book jumps around a lot (by design: it's supposed to be a comprehensive "map of the heart"). But I still love the variety of sources she pulls from to illustrate her points and make science fun, from Lao Tzu to Lyle Lovett. Looking forward to whatever she writes next!
Dec 27, 2023
8/10 stars
The bulk of this book is a series of research based definitions of emotions and traits that affect our connections. These were accompanied by explanatory anecdotes quite often. At the end of the book Brown lays out some keys to cultivating meaningful connection: grounded confidence, walk alongside, story stewardship. All of these seem eminently useful.

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