A Spool of Blue Thread: A Novel

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - MAN BOOKER PRIZE NOMINEE - From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Clock Dance comes the story of four generations unfolding in and around the lovingly worn house that has always been the Whitshank family's anchor.

"Among the best chroniclers of family life this country has ever produced." --The Washington Post

"It was a beautiful, breezy, yellow-and-green afternoon ..." This is how Abby Whitshank always describes the day she fell in love with Red in July 1959.

From Red's parents, newly arrived in Baltimore in the 1920s, to the grandchildren carrying the Whitshank legacy boisterously into the twenty-first century, the Whitshanks are one of those families that radiate an indefinable kind of specialness, but like all families, their stories reveal only part of the picture: Abby and Red and their four grown children have accumulated not only tender moments, laughter, and celebrations, but also jealousies, disappointments, and carefully guarded secrets.
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368 pages

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