bell hooks
Gloria Jean Watkins, better known by her pen name bell hooks, is an American author, feminist, and social activist. The name "bell hooks" is derived from that of her maternal great-grandmother, Bell Blair Hooks. - Wikipedia
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Books by bell hooks
All About Love: New Visions
Average rating: 8.2
950 ratings
The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love
Average rating: 7.86
49 ratings
Ain't I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism
Average rating: 8.21
28 ratings
Communion: The Female Search for Love (Love Song to the Nation, 2)
Average rating: 9.23
13 ratings
Sisters of the Yam: Black Women and Self-Recovery
Average rating: 9.64
11 ratings
Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom (Harvest in Translation)
Average rating: 9.6
10 ratings