No Clue Mystery Book Club


Next meeting: Thursday, April 24 2025 at 7:00pm (UTC+1)

430 members

Currently reading

About No Clue Mystery Book Club

Club Guidelines

  1. The club will read one member-selected book per month accompanied by an online meeting. Forum discussion is also encouraged. Additional books/meetings may occur for special events.
  2. One moderator will be selected each month from our active members, on a rotating basis. You must attend at least one meeting to be eligible.
  3. The moderator will be responsible for proposing 3 or 4 books. Members will then vote on these titles and the book with the most votes will be selected to be next book in the reading queue. The moderator will have the final choice in the event of a tie.
  4. Books must be mystery or mystery adjacent.
  5. Because this is a monthly club, the soft page limit is 500 pages. Also, paperbacks or e-books are preferred.
  6. Moderators will only propose books they have not read. Instead, consider books with good reviews, something a friend recommended, something suggested on bookclubs, or maybe just an eye-catching cover.
  7. Voting for the next book will occur as a poll in the week prior to the monthly meeting.
  8. After voting, the selected book and the moderator for the following month will be announced in the meeting and a forum post.
  9. The monthly meeting will take place the last Thursday of every month at 19:00 CET (18:00 GMT, 13:00 EST, 10:00 PST). Meetings will be held on Zoom. Attendance is optional, but encouraged!
  10. The moderator will be responsible for guiding the discussion of the book chosen for their month during the meeting.
  11. Enjoyment is mandatory. :)
Genre-focusedOnlineMystery & True CrimeMystery