The Avalon Spiritual development book club
28 members
About The Avalon Spiritual development book club
If you would like to meet like minded people from all disciplines of spirituality this is the place for you.
we meet every 6 weeks at the Avalon library in Glastonbury, often hosting guest authors. Physical spaces are limited to 20 so please contact me directly if you wish to attend in person.
A donation to for The libaray of Avalon for the venue space is not composary but very much appreciated.
we can however host unlimited numbers online.
when you join the group we ask you to suggest a book you would like the group to read. at the end of each meeting we vote on what text to read next.
although we have a facilitator we want this to be a shared experience. so if you book is selected to can open the meeting reflection at the next time.
listening to the audio book instead of reading absolutely fine, and if you feel the need to discuss anything while reading the book one to one then you can contact myself to arrange a time.