TBE - Adult

14 Shota Rustaveli Avenue, Tbilisi, Georgia

73 members

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About TBE - Adult

What We Offer:

📚 Monthly Book Selection: Each month, we choose a captivating book for our members to read. From classic literature to contemporary bestsellers, our selections cover a wide range of genres and themes.

📖 Face-to-Face Discussions: We believe in the power of in-person conversations. Join us for our monthly meetings, where we come together to share our thoughts and insights about the book of the month.

🤝 Engaging Conversations: Our club is a safe and welcoming space for all members to express their opinions and ideas about the book. We encourage open and respectful discussions where everyone has the chance to participate.

👥 Community Building: We love to grow our book-loving family! Feel free to invite your friends to join, and let's expand our literary circle.

Book Club Dos:

Come and Share: Attend our meetings and share your thoughts and feelings about the book. Your unique perspective is valued.

Spread the Word: Encourage your friends to join us on this reading adventure. The more, the merrier!

Read the Book: Try your best to finish the book before the meeting. It ensures a more meaningful discussion.

✅ Listen and Respect: Give everyone a chance to speak and be heard. We cherish diverse opinions.

✅ Consider Space: Our meetings have limited space, so please attend alone unless you're accompanying another member.

✅ Contribute to Our List: Share your book suggestions and help build our reading list on our club's page.

Book Club Don'ts:

No Book Snobbery: Don't belittle anyone's taste or opinions in books. We celebrate diverse reading preferences.

No Pressure: Never force another member to speak if they're not comfortable doing so.

Stay on Topic: Keep the discussion centered around the selected book to ensure a focused conversation.

No Spoilers: Be mindful not to spoil other books during our discussions. Let's preserve the magic of reading for everyone.

Join us on this literary adventure as we discover new worlds, characters, and ideas together. Our book club is a place to connect, learn, and share our love for reading. We can't wait to meet you and explore the world of books, one page at a time!

Let's read, share, and grow together. See you at the next meeting!

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