Parenting & (Non-Religious) Spirituality


Next meeting: Tuesday, August 20 at 11:00am - EDT

31 members

Currently reading

About Parenting & (Non-Religious) Spirituality

Hello and welcome to our new book club: Parenting & Spirituality.

We are both Spiritually Aware Parents, walking a shamanic path, observing, asking questions, and wishing to walk and raise our children to be the beautiful spiritual beings they are.

Efrat Shokef, Ph.D., is a shamanic energy healing practitioner working primarily with children, teens, parents, and families. She is a homeschooling mother to her three spiritually aware and intuitive teens, who constantly invite her to grow. You can find out more about Efrat, including articles for spiritually aware parents and children, and Free resources on her website:; Pinterest; FaceBook; Linkedin.

Anne Beer is a mother of two wonderful kids, a shamanic practitioner, an anthropologist, and international peace worker. She is now working with children and teachers on how to find inner and outer peace and how to cocreate our world by being in deep connection with oneself and all creation. Parenting ourselves so we can be those parents that allow growing and thriving is a core aspect of her life. Find out more about Anne on

Together, we hope to explore books that offer us spiritual ideas directly related to parenting, or in general, and apply them to how we raise our children and to our family’s life.

We hope our book club will be a shared global space for growth, guided by the intention of authenticity, acceptance, love, and the possible.   

Meetings will take place on the third Tuesday of each month

at 11 am EST / 8 am PST / 5 pm CET.

The first meeting will be on December 19, 2023.

See the following dates under the meetings tab.

We look forward to growing together,

Efrat & Anne

PS. There are so many books we wish to explore together. It wasn’t easy deciding where to start.

Is there a book you wish to add to our future list? Please email Efrat at

Basic agreements…

(1) We gather to share, explore, and inspire one another on our

parenting journey. Our values: No judgment, mutual respect, curiosity,

authenticity, presence, & positivity. When applying to join, you confirm

that our values align with yours.

(2) While we hope for all of us to read the books we discuss before

the meetings, joining without reading the book is fine.

(3) Please prepare before the meeting a quote or an idea that meets

you. In the meeting, we will each have the opportunity to shortly share that quote and reflect why.

(4) It would be great to have it ready as text that you can copy and

paste into our chat (including the reading format and page. For example: “Quote”, kindle, p. 42).

(5) When you join our book club – Parenting and (non-religious)

Spirituality, we add you to our mailing lists (most of our correspondence takes place through our mailing lists) – Please give us a chance and learn who we each are. Then, you can always unsubscribe. We will not add you again.

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