North Chicagoland Silent Book Club

Evanston, IL 60202, USA

Next meeting: Saturday, March 22 2025 at 1:00pm - CDT

103 members

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About North Chicagoland Silent Book Club

Greetings Book Lovers!

Join us for our in-person (Chicago) and virtual silent book club events. Bring any book you want, whether that’s a print edition, eBook, or audiobook. We will settle in for at least 90 minutes of reading each session, twice a month. There is no assigned reading! But there is an opportunity to socialize with other book enthusiasts - it's a great hangout for introverts to meet people. (PLEASE have a picture of yourself on your profile *when you request entry into the group* and answer the questions - no exceptions; although still not a perfect system, this helps me to weed out any potential trolls or bots. You are welcome to remove your photo once you gain entrance).

All are welcome! We are local and global since we have a virtual option. Each meeting will run for two hours. Our in-person events will look like this (times varying):

6:00-6:30 pm - Readers arrive, order drinks/food, and share what they're reading

6:30-7:30 pm - Quiet reading hour

7:30-8:00 pm - Optional socializing, or just keep reading

Because I usually have to limit in-person meeting attendance, I do ask that you cancel your RSVP at least one day prior if you are unable to make it. Otherwise, you will be marked as a no-show. 3 no-shows get you removed. I understand things happen but I ask that everyone try to be courteous and fair to others who are on the wait list. Thank you!

If you are reading something interesting, feel free to mention it on our group discussion board!

See you there!


Follow North Chicagoland Silent Book Club on socials:

Instagram: @northchicago_sbc