Just One More Chapter Book Club


Next meeting: Wednesday, July 31 at 7:30pm - EDT

143 members

Currently reading

About Just One More Chapter Book Club

Just One More Chapter Book Club started through Facebook with Kristin and Liz. They were struggling to find a book club that they fit in well with and decided to try it out on there own. To help expand their club, in mid-2021 the club was moved to BookClubs to reach more readers.

Each month a new book is selected by Kristin and Liz. A genre is never repeated two months in a row. The group rotates between YA Fiction, Mystery/Thriller, Historical Fiction, General Fiction, Women's Fiction and Romance.

We welcome all readers and encourage all members to participate each month, even if it's not a genre you typically read to help open you up to even more reading options.

We do weekly written discussions and monthly Zoom discussions.

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