Books on TAP

Next meeting: Wednesday, February 19 at 6:30pm - CST

34 members

Currently reading

About Books on TAP

Books on TAP was started by the Secretary of Tennessee Alliance for Progress (TAP) and is in collaboration with other groups such as Women's Political Collaborative of TN (WPC) and Sunrise Nashville.

We aim to meet every 3rd Wednesday of every month. We also intent to read 1 book every 3 months or so. We believe this gives readers enough time to dive into and saver the books we choose.

This book club is sometimes in person and always has a virtual option. This way, all can participate, no matter the location of the reader. We are proud to share that we have members located in at least 3 states, from California to Missouri to Tennessee. 

Tell your friends about Books on TAP, and feel free to reach out to the host, Jacquelyn "Jackie" Carter. 

Cheers to changing the world, one book at a time.
