Brookline Book Club!
Brookline, MA, USA
Next meeting: Friday, February 28 at 7:00pm - EST
25 members
About Brookline Book Club!
What type of books do you read?
We're open to any genre, but we typically stick with more contemporary fiction. Check out the 'Books we've read' section to see previous books we've read!
When do you meet?
We typically meet the last weekend of the month and will make a poll to pick a specific date and time as the date gets closer.
Where do you meet?
We often take turns hosting at our apartments, but we've also met at cafes, bars, and parks! Most of us live in Brookline, but this is not a requirement to join or host.
How do you pick new books?
We make a poll to decide the books for the next three months. All members are welcome to add their own options in the 'Books we want to read' category, and Gali will add them to the poll.