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Discussion Guide

Where the Lost Wander

These book club questions are from the author's website, where a more extensive list of questions can be found, including chapter by chapter questions.

Book club questions for Where the Lost Wander by Amy Harmon

Use these discussion questions to guide your next book club meeting.

There were an abundance of characters to know in Where the Lost Wander - who were your favorites?
How does being a “two-feet” affect John? How does it change how people see him?
John and Naomi had an almost instant connection, did you believe their feelings?
Why do you think Naomi’s mom and brothers instantly loved John too?
Was Naomi held back by her former husband’s parents? Why would traveling with them be difficult?
What connected Naomi to Lost Woman?
Did you appreciate the dual perspectives of John and Naomi throughout the story? Was there one perspective you enjoyed more?
Are you pleased with the ending? Did the story end how you envisioned? What surprised you?

Where the Lost Wander Book Club Questions PDF

Click here for a printable PDF of the Where the Lost Wander discussion questions