We Have Always Lived in the Castle
These book club questions are from the William Jeanes Memorial Library.
Book club questions for We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
Use these discussion questions to guide your next book club meeting.
What does the opening paragraph tell you about Merricat? Is she a reliable narrator? How much of what she says is true?
In the opening paragraph Mericat says she likes her “sister Constance and Richard Plantagenet and Amanita phalloides, the death cap mushroom.” Richard Plantagenet was the Duke of York who governed as Lord Protector during the insanity of Henry V. How does this fit in with the novel?
Discuss the meaning of Constance's name in the story. Does she represent constancy? How so?
What were the murdered members of the Blackwood family like? Why do you think they were murdered?
Why do you think the townspeople disliked the Blackwood family so much? Do you think their feelings are justified in anyway? Do you think the villagers would behave differently toward the Blackwoods if they really knew them? Why or why not?
Compare and contrast Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Clarke. What are their motivations for visiting Constance? Who is a more honest character?
What are Charles's intentions when he comes to visit the Blackwoods. The author never tells us exactly, but what can you infer from his actions? In what way does he upset their lives?
Discuss Uncle Julian's relationship with Charles Blackwood. How does the relationship change over the course of the story?
What do you think Uncle Julian is writing about the murder?
What roles do superstition and magic play in this novel?
What triggers the assault by the villagers on the Blackwood home? Why do they later bring gifts of food?
What is your final impression of Merricat? Of Constance? How does this compare/contrast with your first impression of them?
Social criticism whether overt or implicit is central to all of Shirley Jackson's works. What is Jackson saying about society in the novel? Do you agree or disagree with her? Does the fact that Jackson was agoraphobic show itself in her writings?
Is this, in any sense, a realistic novel? Can you place it in any particular time or location? Does this story remind you of any real life events that have taken place?
The book ends with Merricat saying, “we are so happy?” Is this ironic, or is it true?
Did you enjoy the book? Why or why not? Would you recommend it to a fellow reader?
If you could punch one characters in the face who would you choose?
We Have Always Lived in the Castle Book Club Questions PDF
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