In her most revealing and powerful memoir yet, Glennon Doyle, the activist, speaker, bestselling author, and “patron saint of female empowerment” (People) explores the joy and peace we discover when we stop striving to meet others’ expectations and start trusting the voice deep within us.
There is a voice of longing inside each woman. We strive so mightily to be good: good partners, daughters, mothers, employees, and friends. We hope all this striving will make us feel alive. Instead, it leaves us feeling weary, stuck, overwhelmed, and underwhelmed. We look at our lives and wonder: Wasn’t it all supposed to be more beautiful than this? We quickly silence that question, telling ourselves to be grateful, hiding our discontent—even from ourselves.
Untamed is both an intimate memoir and a galvanizing wake-up call. It is the story of how one woman learned that a responsible mother is not one who slowly dies for her children, but one who shows them how to fully live. It is the story of navigating divorce, forming a new blended family, and discovering that the brokenness or wholeness of a family depends not on its structure but on each member’s ability to bring her full self to the table. And it is the story of how each of us can begin to trust ourselves enough to set boundaries, make peace with our bodies, honor our anger and heartbreak, and unleash our truest, wildest instincts so that we become women who can finally look at ourselves and say: There She Is.
Untamed shows us how to be brave. As Glennon insists: The braver we are, the luckier we get.
Book club questions for Untamed by Glennon Doyle
Use these discussion questions to guide your next book club meeting.
Glennon opens Untamed with the story of Tabitha, a caged cheetah she encounters on a family trip to a safari park. Glennon watches Tabitha stalk the periphery of the field where she’s kept captive and imagines Tabitha’s inner doubts, and her quick dismissal of those internal questions. Glennon imagines Tabitha saying to herself, “I should be grateful. I have a good enough life.” What does the phrase “good enough life” mean to you? Do you ever find yourself silencing your own inner voice? How does Tabitha symbolize Glennon’s desire and journey to become “untamed”?
When Abby tells Glennon's parents about her wish to marry their daughter, Glennon's mother says, “I have not seen my daughter this alive since she was ten years old.” This prompts Glennon to ask: “Where did my spark go at ten? How had I lost myself?” She soon recognizes that at age ten, she began to let go of her true self to be the “good girl” society expected her to be. She writes, “I was wild until I was tamed by shame.” How would you describe yourself as a young child? Does a particular age in your childhood stand out as pivotal turning point for you?
After meeting and falling in love with Abby, Glennon acknowledges that creating a life with her was the first original idea she’d had, and the first decision she made as a free woman. It forced her to question her faith, friendships, her work, her sexuality—her entire life. Have you ever asked yourself what you truly want, versus what you might be conditioned to want? Are there things you have denied yourself because they don’t “fit” with society’s expectations? Do you believe it’s possible to have what you really want despite a culture that might tell you otherwise?
Glennon recalls that after her first AA meeting, a woman shared some invaluable wisdom with her: “Feelings are for feeling. All of them. Even the hard ones.” Glennon remembers being surprised. She writes, “I did not know that I was supposed to feel everything. I thought I was supposed to feel happy.” What feelings do you think we are supposed to feel? What feelings does our culture tell us are inconvenient or inappropriate? Do you find it difficult to let yourself “feel everything”?
In “Imagine,” Glennon says that there is an “unseen order inside us” and that it is “the vision we carry in our imagination about a truer, more beautiful world.” Can you relate to this idea? Have you ever felt a “hopeful swelling” inside you “insisting that it was all meant to be more beautiful than this”? When? What did that feeling prompt you to do?
Glennon describes befriending Elizabeth Gilbert and discovering “a new friendship memo”—one with “no arbitrary rules or obligations or expectations.” Discuss the friendships in your life. In what ways do they operate by “arbitrary rules”? How do those rules serve you and your friends? If you were to rewrite the rules of some of your friendships, what would the new rules be?
Glennon describes her process of “unlearning the whitewashed version of American history” and beginning to “really listen and think more deeply about the experiences of people of color and other marginalized people” as being similar to getting sober from addiction. What do you think about that comparison? In what ways does Glennon’s “waking up to white supremacy” reflect her path to sobriety?
In “Invaders,” Glennon makes a list of “easy buttons” and “reset buttons.” These are things she does when she is feeling anxious or depressed. The easy buttons (boozing, bingeing, shopping, etc.) allow her to abandon herself; the reset buttons (drinking a glass of water, taking a walk, meditating, etc.) return her to herself. What are your easy and reset buttons?
Throughout Untamed, Glennon shares a story or an idea and then returns to it again later in the book, from a new perspective. For example, please see the chapters titled “Apples” and “Beach Houses;” “Directions” and “Boys;” and “Algorithms,” “Mirrors,” and “Eyes.” How does the way Glennon shares these anecdotes evolve? What new perspective does she bring to these stories when she returns to them?
In the “Imagine” section of Part II, Glennon recalls asking women to write a letter describing “the truest, most beautiful” lives they could imagine. Have your book club take some time in silence during which you all write yourselves letters. In those letters, describe the truest, most beautiful lives/families/friendships/relationships you can imagine. Let your imagination go wild, do not edit yourself. What do you feel when you read the letter you’ve written?
Glennon describes a snow globe she kept on a shelf in her childhood bedroom. She writes, “In its center stood a red dragon with sparkly scales.” She later says, “We’re like snow globes: We spend all our time, energy, words, and money creating a flurry . . . making sure the snow doesn’t settle so we never have to face the fiery truth inside us.” Do you identify with the idea of a dragon of truth inside of you? What do you do to “create a flurry” to distract yourself and others from that dragon inside? On one side of a piece of paper, list the ways you “create flurries” in your own life. On the other side of that same paper, can you list ways you let the snow settle? What does looking at those lists reveal to you?
Untamed Book Club Questions PDF
Click here for a printable PDF of the Untamed discussion questions
“Untamed will liberate women—emotionally, spiritually, and physically. It is phenomenal.”—Elizabeth Gilbert, author of City of Girls and Eat Pray Love
“Packed with incredible insight about what it means to be a woman today.”—Reese Witherspoon (Reese’s Book Club x Hello Sunshine Book Pick)
Get involved with Together Rising, the 501(c)(3) nonprofit that Glennon founded in 2012. Together Rising has raised more than $20 million for people in need with a most frequent donation of $25, proving that small gifts can change the world in revolutionary ways. Visit togetherrising.org to learn more, donate, or volunteer.
This recommended reading and discussion guide are shared and sponsored in partnership with Dial Press, an imprint of Penguin Random House.