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Stalked by lions, charged by rhinos, and chased by pirates, Phil McDonald has lived a life of adventure working overseas. Typhoid, malaria, riots, coups, and rebel soldiers were part of normal life. For his children, any day could be a grand field trip. While Unreal might read like a thriller, this memoir is more than an adventure story. 

The author recounts ninety events, highlights sixty lessons, from over thirty years of experience. The dirty little secret of humanitarian work in the developing world was a sobering discovery—centuries of handouts created enormous dependency that restricted personal growth and destroyed dignity. McDonald began as an overseas professor and now mentors social entrepreneurs. 

If you are drawn to adventure, to travel, and what it's like to raise a family in an amazing environment, enjoy this read. Discover how to navigate danger, manage fear, and cope with loss. Embrace the hope, laugh at the ups and downs, and revel in the extravagant diversity and courage of inspiring partners who will change you forever.

Book club questions for unreal by Phil McDonald

Use these discussion questions to guide your next book club meeting.

Phil faced many dangerous encounters with lions, hippos, snakes, rhinos, pirates, rebel soldiers, mobs, terrorists, plus several more not mentioned in the book. What do you dread, and how do you manage your fears?
What did you find most remarkable about the things Phil and Rebecca did to survive driving through rioting mobs?
Does the book show the difference between visiting a developing country and living in one? What did you learn about safety precautions in visiting or traveling in a foreign country?
What are the four things the author says a soulmate does? Is there something else a soulmate can do? Are there people in your life who support you when things fall apart?
When Rebecca received the news of the plane crash in Myanmar and Phil was missing, she went into action to find out where he was. How would you respond to communication that your loved one is missing?
What questions would you ask the author, his wife, or children?
Of the many cultures portrayed in the sixteen countries mentioned in the book, which cultural practice, belief, or behavior surprised you the most?
If you agree that happiness is all about managing your expectations, how well are you managing your expectations?
In Principle #39, the author wrote, “People often forget what you say or do but rarely forget how you make them feel.” Was there a time you remember what someone said to you because of how it made you feel?
Was there a time in your life when your excitement for something or someone kept you from calculating the risk?
What is the result of empowering a person who becomes financially independent? Have you ever empowered anyone to be more successful than you? How did it make you feel?
Has this book inspired you to find significant, personal, or creative ways to impact the lives of others? If so, how?

unreal Book Club Questions PDF

Click here for a printable PDF of the unreal discussion questions