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Discussion Guide

The Wedding People

These book club questions are from the publisher, Macmillan.

Book club questions for The Wedding People by Alison Espach

Use these discussion questions to guide your next book club meeting.

What is your favorite part of attending a wedding—the ceremony, the food, the activities, or the guests? Which wedding moments from the book stood out to you most?

Imagine if your wedding lasted a whole week! Where would you be, and what sort of activities would you plan?

What is the craziest thing you ever saw at a wedding? How do some of the scenes in The Wedding People relate to experiences that you have had attending a wedding of your close friends or family?

Have you ever had a chance encounter similar to the way Phoebe and Lila did? What was that like? Did it have any similarities to the start of Phoebe and Lila’s relationship? Do you still have a relationship with that person?

Try naming all the literary icons scattered throughout The Wedding People. Which author do you think had the closest correlation to Phoebe?

How did you feel when Matt showed up at the hotel? Were you expecting it? Why or why not?

In what ways does The Wedding People reflect cultural or societal attitudes towards weddings and marriage? Does it challenge or reinforce traditional views? Do you think each of the character perspectives change over the course of the novel, and if so, how?

Have you ever had to fill in for a wedding party spot like Phoebe does when she steps in for Lila’s Maid of Honor? What was that experience like? Did you feel equipped for the job?

If you could be one of the wedding people, which person would you be and why?

Phoebe and Gary grow close throughout the novel. What do you think about this relationship, and do you think it will continue in the future? Why or why not?

Early in the novel, it’s mentioned that literature tends to have circular endings, and the endings are always a reflection of the beginning. What’s the biggest change for Phoebe, Lila, Gary, and Matt by the end? Would you consider the book to have a circular ending? If so, how?

The Wedding People Book Club Questions PDF

Click here for a printable PDF of the The Wedding People discussion questions