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Discussion Guide

The Holiday Swap

These book club questions are from the publisher, Penguin Random House.  A full book club kit can be found here.

Book club questions for The Holiday Swap by Maggie Knox

Use these discussion questions to guide your next book club meeting.

What treat in The Holiday Swap did you immediately want to buy or bake at home, and did you end up doing either? If so, share your experience.
What quality do you think lies at the heart of Cass and Charlie’s relationship? Do you have that same sentiment with a sibling or friend, and if so, who?
Do you think Cass did the right thing for Charlie toward the end of filming the Christmas special for Sweet & Salty? If you were Cass, what would you have done?
If you had the opportunity to live in the town of Starlight Peak, would you? Why or why not?
If you could switch lives with your sibling or friend for twelve days, who would you switch with, and why?
During the switch, Cass and Charlie realized what they truly wanted in order to live happy lives. Did you relate more to Cass’s journey, or Charlie’s?
Who would you prefer more as a romantic interest—Miguel or Jake—and why?
What was your favorite scene in the novel, and why?
If you could host your own baking show, what would the name and premise of the show be?
What were your thoughts about the ending?

The Holiday Swap Book Club Questions PDF

Click here for a printable PDF of the The Holiday Swap discussion questions