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Discussion Guide

The Grapes of Wrath

These book club questions are adapted from the Teacher's Guide to the Penguin Edition of The Grapes of Wrath, by Dr. Donald R. Gallo. 

Book club questions for The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

Use these discussion questions to guide your next book club meeting.

Discuss the effectiveness and meaning of the many Biblical references or parallels in the novel.

In the beginning, each character has personal reasons for wanting to go to California. In what ways does each individual’s goal change? Which people grow to see a larger purpose in life? What factors contribute to their changes?

The heroes of The Grapes of Wrath are on the bottom end of the social ladder, their language is often vile, their behavior is sometimes as coarse as their language, and they freely discuss bodily functions (which in the 1930s were seldom mentioned in literature). What was Steinbeck’s purpose in portraying such unrefined and coarse people? What would be the effect on readers if the Joads spoke “proper” English and did not curse?

According to statements made in this novel, of what importance is anger in overcoming fear? What must be done with anger in order to make it productive? Do you agree or disagree with that philosophy as expressed in this novel?

What is the effect of the chapters which come between the narrative about the Joads? How would the elimination of those chapters affect the meaning and impact of the novel?

The political implications of this novel have been strongly attacked. In what ways is the novel a criticism of capitalism? Does the novel advocate communism?

In what ways is your definition of the term family similar to the meaning Ma Joad gives to the term? In what ways is Ma Joad’s meaning different? What do the implications of her meaning contribute to the author’s message in the novel?

If you had been an owner of a large California farm in 1939, how would you have felt about people like the Joads? As the owner of that farm, how might this novel have changed your feelings?

Steinbeck wrote to his editor about this novel: “I’ve done my damndest to rip a reader’s nerves to rags, I don’t want him satisfied.” Did he succeed in doing that to you? If so, how did he accomplish it? If not, why weren’t you affected in that way?

Some critics maintain that this novel promotes hatred between classes of people. In what ways does it do that? In what ways does the novel’s effect go beyond that?

What has become of Noah? What does Connie do with the rest of his life? What will Tom become, and will he be successful at it? What will Al do next? How will these events change Rose of Sharon?

The Grapes of Wrath Book Club Questions PDF

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