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Discussion Guide

The Good Lie

These book club questions are from the author's website.

Book club questions for The Good Lie by A. R. Torre

Use these discussion questions to guide your next book club meeting.

What was your overall impression/review of The Good Lie? What did you love? What did you dislike?
The book focused on two main characters with different careers, a psychologist and an attorney. What element did you feel like this brought to the story? If you had to choose, would you want to be a psychologist specializing in potential killers or an attorney representing potential killers?
What was your favorite scene in the book?
As you read, who did you think was the Bloody Heart Killer? How did your suspicions change as the book progressed?
The initial sexual interaction between Robert and Gwen set an unusual tone and undercurrent in their relationship. Do you think that changed how they treated each other, and the decisions they made throughout the novel? If they had met under different circumstances, how do you think the course of the events would have changed?
Would you have preferred for the book to have no romance subplot, or did that add to the story?
If you were Scott’s mother, would you have treated him any differently? Would you have suspected him of murdering the Abbotts, once the attic was discovered?
If you were Robert, what would you have done once you found out the Bloody Heart Killer’s identity? Called the police? Or taken the matters into your own hands?
Gwen has never had children. Do you think she would treat dangerous patience with the same compassion and empathy if she was a mother? Do you think that the risks associated with her job would increase if she had a family?
If you were Gwen, would you have seen Luke again, after he made the scene in her office and potentially stole her keys?
Was there a character that you wished you had seen more of?
At the end, when the police showed up at Gwen’s home - would you have handled that situation differently if you were her?
Do you think that Robert’s son would have died regardless of Gwen’s advice to John Abbott to “fire the landscaper”?

The Good Lie Book Club Questions PDF

Click here for a printable PDF of the The Good Lie discussion questions