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Discussion Guide

The Final Girl Support Group

In horror movies, the final girls are the ones left standing when the credits roll. They made it through the worst night of their lives…but what happens after?

These book club questions are from the publisher, Penguin Random House.  A full book club kit is available here

Book club questions for The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix

Use these discussion questions to guide your next book club meeting.

If you had to use three words to describe Lynnette, what would they be? If she had to use three words to describe herself, what do you think they would be?
Dr. Carol wrote in her notes that “Lynnette’s coping mechanisms are extreme by any measure. Her behavior feels less like survivor’s guilt and more like an attempt to punish herself.” Do you agree with that statement?
Even though the support group is fracturing in the beginning of the book, all the members do come together as the danger against them grows. Each of the women has different strengths and weaknesses. What does each contribute to the survival of the group? Which final girl did you identify most strongly with and why?
In the excerpt we see of Adrienne’s speech, she writes, “What does it say about us that so much of the entertainment we consume is about killing women?” Why do you think the women-in-peril trope and slasher films have been so popular over the years and what does that say about our society?
In this book, Adrienne won a case that meant the women can profit off of the movies that glorify violence against them. How does that complicate their relationship to the films?
Which twists in the book did you find the most shocking? Which ones did you see coming?
How much do you think Stephanie acted under her own will? How much blame do you think she deserves for her actions?
What kind of future do you see for the final girls? Also, after losing so much, does Dr. Carol become a new final girl now?

The Final Girl Support Group Book Club Questions PDF

Click here for a printable PDF of the The Final Girl Support Group discussion questions