Book club questions for Pachinko by Min Jin Lee
Use these discussion questions to guide your next book club meeting.
“History has failed us, but no matter.” How does the opening line reflect the rest of the book—and do you agree?
In a way, Sunja’s relationship with Isak progresses in reverse, as her pregnancy by another man brings them together and prompts Isak to propose marriage. How does Lee redefine intimacy and love with these two characters?
“Their eldest brother, Samoel, had been the brave one, the one who would’ve confronted the officers with audacity and grace, but Yoseb knew he was no hero.…Yoseb didn’t see the point of anyone dying for his country or for some greater ideal. He understood survival and family.” What kinds of bravery are shown by different characters, and what motivates this bravery?
What does “home” mean to each of the main characters? Does it ever change? In what ways does a yearning for home color the tone of the novel?
Yangjin and Kyunghee agree that “A woman’s lot is to suffer.” Do you think the women suffer more than the men in this book? If so, in what ways? How does the suffering of Sunja and Kyunghee compare to that of Yoseb? Noa and Mozasu’s?
Throughout the book, characters often must choose between survival and tradition or morality. Can you think of any examples that embody this tension?
The terms “good Korean” and “good Japanese” are used many times throughout the book. What does it mean to be a “good Korean”? A “good Japanese”?
Why do you think the author chose Pachinko for the title?
Pachinko Book Club Questions PDF
Click here for a printable PDF of the Pachinko discussion questions