Over the Broad Earth
Over the Broad Earth presents a sweeping fantasy tale of the eternal struggle between Angels and Demons. This imaginative tale tracks the continuing contest of two Celestial brothers, God and Satan, who, by ancient decree, can only unleash their sibling rivalry when human beings engage in combat.
The citizens of both Heaven and Hell endure all the emotions and circumstances of the humans they routinely inhabit, love, valor, passion, treachery, bravery, and heartache. Readers will follow the exploits of two of the greatest “eternal” warriors of the ages: Lord Zinc II (Heaven) and Schizophrenia "Schitz" Incenderos Nervosa (Hell). The rivals battle one another throughout history from the struggle between the Babylonians and Assyrians in the desert through and beyond the teeming jungles of Southeast Asia.
Along the way, these intrepid fighters interact with a host of characters (Moses, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, and more), friends, fiends, and lovers. Displaying the same traits of compassion and selfishness known to all of Creation, Schitz and Zinc lead their soldiers – and try to stay alive.
Book club questions for Over the Broad Earth by J.L. Feuerstack
Use these discussion questions to guide your next book club meeting.
What do you think it says about human behavior, that God and Satan - two celestial brothers in this story - can only unleash their sibling rivalry when human beings engage in combat?
Does this fictionalized account of the struggle between good and evil offend of inform your perspective on religion?
Are there parts of human history that you think were left out of this book? If so, what are they and how would you characterize them in the context of Lord Zinc II and Schizophrenia "Schitz" Incenderos Nervosa?
This is a fantasy novel, but do you think the author was trying to make deeper points about life and humankind? If so, what?
What do you think about the power Circades 'the Ancient' has in holding God and Satan to the contractual agreement through which they conduct their battle?
Did you find any similarities between the Demons and Angels? If so, were they surprising to you?
Over the Broad Earth Book Club Questions PDF
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