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Discussion Guide

New Stars for a New Era

Welcome to your consciousness workbook for our ten new planets, written without any jargon, in a way that anyone without any astrological knowledge can enjoy and benefit from. Beautifully illustrated with meditative images for each planet created by astrologer Karen La Puma, this book invites you to embark on the adventure of embracing these new aspects of consciousness in your life!

In the scientific worldview of contemporary Western culture, we tend to think that the stars can’t really affect us, and that astrology is something akin to magic or a belief system. This assumes we live in a stable world and the planets are merely bits of rock flying around us in space.

The truth is that we live in a dynamic system, and we are influenced by the rhythms of that system. We’re on a spinning planet revolving around the Sun, along with all the other planets of our solar system, thanks to the gravitational forces and dynamics of those planets.

This discussion guide was shared and sponsored in partnership with DartFrog Books.

Book club questions for New Stars for a New Era by Alan Clay

Use these discussion questions to guide your next book club meeting.

New Stars for a New Era explains in simple language that our newly discovered planets give us new awareness and abilities which will radically change our understanding of ourselves and the world we live in. Did you find this an inspiring and empowering message?

This book suggests that we best approach astrology, not as a belief system, or as a magical process, but as a social science. How does this approach facilitate your understanding of this ancient practice?

In astrology, the outer planets represent aspects of consciousness, so our ten newly discovered planets represent new aspects of consciousness that are coming available to us. Which of the 10 new consciousness energies depicted in the book do you relate to most?

Each section includes consciousness exercises to help on-board the planet’s energy. Of the exercises suggested for your favourite planet, choose the one that you feel would be most effective in helping on-board this new psychic energy, and explain why.

Work out where these new planets are in your chart using appendix 1 and read the interpretation of that placement for your favourite planet. What do you relate to most in this interpretation? How do the stories of people who exemplify this, bring it to life?

We are all growing in consciousness all the time, and the more spiritually we can approach our experience, the better we can use these new energies. What did you learn most about yourself through reading this book?

New Stars for a New Era Book Club Questions PDF

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