Book club questions for Monstrilio by Gerardo Sámano Córdova
Use these discussion questions to guide your next book club meeting.
How do Magos and Joseph grieve differently? Can you empathize with Magos' desire to keep a part of Santiago?
If you were Lena, would you have performed the surgery?
Monstrilio showcases a variety of queer characters. What do you think the author was trying to say about queer relationships and sexuality?
The book switches points of view, but with only one section per narrator. Did you like this construct? Were there parts of the story where you wished you could have someone else's views on the events? What did you think when you finally got to M's point of view?
There is a lot of gore in the novel. Did it ever make you feel squeamish? Did you think there was too much? On the flip side, what did it add to the narrative?
"Monstrilio" is characterized as a horror story, but it's so much more. How did it compare to other horror stories you've read? How would you describe this book to a friend thinking of reading it?
What did you think of the ending? Did you find it sad, hopeful, or both?
Monstrilio Book Club Questions PDF
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