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These book club questions are from the author's website.

Book club questions for Hemlock by Kiersten Modglin

Use these discussion questions to guide your next book club meeting.

What was your initial impression of Maggie?
What were your initial impressions of Tucker and Clayton?
Who did you initially think you would be rooting for Maggie to be with? Did that change throughout the course of the book at all?
How did you feel about Clayton’s decision to move to Nashville without inviting Maggie? Could you understand it?
Why do you think Clayton moved so quickly in his relationship with Raven?
What was your initial impression of Raven?
What did you think of Maggie’s decisions throughout the book? Which did you agree with her on? Which did you struggle to understand the most?
How do you think things might’ve gone differently if Tucker hadn’t come with Maggie to the lakehouse? Do you believe Clayton would’ve acted the same?
Why do you think Maggie feels so loyal to Clayton? Does he show her the same loyalty?
What were your initial suspicions about what had happened in the past?
What were your initial suspicions about what was happening with the house in the present?
Which twist(s) shocked you the most?
What did you think of Nick? Why do you think Maggie stayed with him for as long as she did?
Which scene was your favorite in this story?
What did the way Clayton and Tucker reacted to Eve Eden say about their characters?
Which scene had you falling in love with either character?
How do you think Maggie has changed from the past chapters to the present? How has she stayed the same?
Have Tucker or Clayton changed from the past to the present? If so, how?
What do you think it meant that Tucker had bought one of Maggie’s paintings? Why do you think he didn’t tell her?
What did you expect the group to find hidden in the wall? What did you initially think their discovery meant?
Why do you think Clayton changed his mind about Raven? Was he actually in love with Maggie?
How did Tucker and Clayton’s upbringing affect their personalities?
Did you trust Nick? Why or why not? Did he seem to care about Maggie?
Which scene do you consider to be the most romantic?
Which scene do you consider the scariest?
What did you think was happening in the opening prologue?
Besides the obvious, what little actions did Tucker and Clayton make that showed which of them was the best choice for Maggie?
Why do you think Clayton asked Tucker to make drinks at the lakehouse? Do you think that plan backfired?
Why do you think Maggie decided to stay in the house for as long as she did?
What did you think of the ending?

Hemlock Book Club Questions PDF

Click here for a printable PDF of the Hemlock discussion questions