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Fanning Fireflies (The Limerent Series Book 3) Book Club Questions PDF

Click here for a printable PDF of the Fanning Fireflies (The Limerent Series Book 3) discussion questions

For Fanning Fireflies

Fanning Fireflies is a fascinating story; moving, touched with magic and characters that intrigue and beguile. The book rings with authenticity as Ms. Delorme brings to life the era and its cultures with rich historical accuracy, yet with a judicious use of fantasy that gives the novel an air of otherworldliness.   The issues of prejudice and discrimination are multi-faceted and complicated. The characters are entrenched in generational values that we still wrestle with today. This novel creates an appropriate sense of outrage that will stay with you. A masterwork by a multi-talented author.” – GoodCook, Goodreads

“From the outset, you sense that Veronica isn’t your typical girl. However, as the story unfurls, the phrase "playing with fire" takes on a visceral significance, weaving its way through a tapestry of racial tension that permeates 1944 Harrisville. The divide between what is perceived as good and bad becomes increasingly blurred, compelling readers to confront the definition of human morality. Moreover, the exploration of what individuals are willing to sacrifice of themselves in their pursuit of acceptance or belonging adds another layer of intrigue, transforming this book into an irresistibly gripping page-turner that resonates long after the last chapter has been read.” – Valerie Carrier, actress & producer


For Previous Book Bright Midnights

Bright Midnights offers a remarkable exploration of the experiences of desire and love” – Booklife/Publisher’s Weekly, rated an Editor’s Choice

“Let me begin by saying that my ardor for this novel is only exceeded by my disappointment that it had to end.  Reading Bright Midnights was the perfect experience and earned tenfold every single one of the five stars rated.”- Reedsy

“A page-turning YA novel about a girl who must reconcile her dream-dimensions with the real world.  The author adds imaginative details of her own throughout, from clever allusions to Greek mythology (the code-name Amelie and Clovis work out for her is “Psyche”) to a continuing and sometimes ingenious intertwining of fantasy and science fiction.” – Kirkus

“With compelling characters, intricate plot twists, and a looming sense of foreboding, the novel offers a thought-provoking exploration of love, secrecy, and the almost otherworldly complexities of human connection.” – Indie Reader